InfoMus Lab |
Cividale del Friuli , July 21st, 1998 Roberto Fabbriciani
The concert uses multimedia technologies from our Lab to put in direct relation the real-time integrated processing of images and the sound produced by the flute of Roberto Fabbriciani. Sounds of the flute are projected in the 3D space with live electronics techniques, and are analyzed in real time to extract parameters to control the visual metamorphoses on the real video images of the flutists (typically a zoom on the finger movements). Resulting images are projected on a large screen, are subject to metamorphosis of various type depending on the performed music. Besides the real-time processing of real images of the flutist, we found chromatic pictorial images transforming from two-dimensional to a three-dimensional perspective in continuous evolution, sometimes broken by sudden breaks activated by peculiars sound events of the flute.
The same live image of flute player is transformed in real time, like in a sort of "digital mirror". Metamorphoses are varied, both in chromatic nature and in structure. One of these is based on the principle of the virtual mirror, that is algorithms able to deform images by means of non-linear transformations. Results are perceptive quite interesting since such mirrors don't exist in nature and create multiple images ("butterfly," "spiral/snake", "prisms" etc.). Further, the same sound, in its different graphic representation forms, can be source of visual stimuli. These abstract images are close to the music which causes them, from a scientific point of view.