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Activities > conferences and workshops > EyesWeb Week 2016

5th EyesWeb Week
Genoa, ITALY
6-10 June, 2016

5th EyesWeb Week (2016)

The EyesWeb Week is an intensive tutorial aiming at sharing with participants the experience of the Casa Paganini - InfoMus Research Centre in the EyesWeb project.
The main focus is on the EyesWeb XMI open software platform (freely available here) for scientific and technological research and development of innovative multimodal interfaces, systems, and applications (including distributed and mobile apps) in a growing number of fields, such as therapy and rehabilitation, independent living, artistic production, active experience of cultural heritage, and education.

Download the PDF version of the Announcement here

Download the PDF version of the Programme here

A particular focus will be on the on the on-going H2020 EU - ICT Projects at Casa Paganini
  • ICT TELMI (H2020-ICT-2015): Technology Enhanced Learning of Musical Instrument Performance
    Learning to play a musical instrument is mostly based on the master-apprentice model in which the student's interaction and socialization is often restricted to short and punctual contact with the teacher followed by long periods of self-study resulting in high abandonment rates. In such a learning model, modern technologies are rarely employed and almost never go beyond audio and video recording.
    The main aim of the TELMI project is to study how we learn musical instruments, taking the violin as a case study, from a pedagogical and scientific perspective and to create new interactive, assistive, self-learning, augmented-feedback, and social-aware systems complementary to traditional teaching
  • ICT WhoLoDance (H2020-ICT-2015): Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education
    The work is in the framework of the EU Horizon2020 ICT Project WholoDance. It consists of the development of computational models and of algorithms for the analysis in real-time of non-verbal human behaviour. The analysis is based on non-verbal full-body multimodal signals. The research will be in the framework of the Workpackage WP2 (Multimodal sensing and capturing analysis) and WP3 (Semantic and emotional representation models).
  • ICT DANCE (IA, 2015-2017): investigating how affective and relational qualities of body movement can be expressed, represented, and analyzed by the auditory channel.